“Unchosen" is a psychological thriller web series where diverse characters face life-or-death decisions in isolated rooms. As they struggle with impossible choices, each must confront the moral and ethical boundaries that define who they are—and who they might become.

Our Goal with Unchosen.

Unchosen” is to produce a gripping and suspenseful television series that explores complex themes of human nature and morality while captivating viewers with psychological twists.

Through its gripping narrative, complex characters, and unexpected turns, we hope to explore themes of trust, survival, and the choices people make when faced with the unthinkable. Our vision is to deliver a show that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, their hearts pounding as they hear the ominous music and feel the tension in the air. The scenes will be filled with dimly lit rooms, casting shadows that dance across the characters’ faces, creating an eerie atmosphere. The sound design will be meticulously crafted, from the low whispers and echoes that send shivers down the viewers’ spines to the sudden bursts of intense music that make their hearts race. The scent of fear and desperation will linger in the air, as viewers are transported into a world where survival is uncertain and morality is tested.

With Unchosen, we want viewers to not only watch, but to be fully immersed in a sensory experience that leaves them contemplating the darker realities of society and the depths of the human psyche.

Meet the Team

  • Naomi Ayende

    Executive Producer

  • Joshua Velazquez

    Executive Producer

  • Astrid Salas


  • Jacob Fuentes

    Associate Producer

  • Wolfgang Vladimir Palencia

    Writer & Director


Three of Swords